hearder atelier natura
Atelier Natura
: from Old French astelier, carpenter's shop. noun: a studio especially for an artist or designer
NATURA: from Latin, f. birth; nature quality, character, natural order of things; the physical world
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Painting courses          Workshops           Masterclasses

Every so often over the past 10 years or so I have been involved in projects where groups of artists work alongside each other in studio and field settings - anywhere from Cambridge Open Studio weekends in UK, to ANF projects in Alaska, Ecuador or Peru.

Each experience has been unique presenting many different and creatively beneficial opportunities to a wide range of artistic talent - from dedicated  professional artists to enthusiastic amateur painters.

With that in mind - and because I am asked every so often whether I run courses, give art demonstrations, or take classes - it seemd that there should be occasions when leisure painters, keen amateur and even professional artists could get together to explore the natural world through art, sharing their interests, their skills and their enthusiasm in an informal, relaxed 'holiday' setting.  But joining in would be optional with always plenty for non-painting partners to enjoy
The result is Atelier Natura, a part-mix of masterclasses, workshops, and individual tutoring for anyone wanting to brush-up on or learn new field painting skills; or for someone who might want to try basic printmaking, oil or watercolour painting, still-life drawing, or field sketching.

As well as relaxation and enjoyment, the aim is for each participant to leave with a better knowledge of, and practice in, making art - perhaps having learned how to handle a new medium, or tried looking at nature in a slightly different way. But leave also having refreshed their own enthusiasm for creating art, and gained a little in confidence too.  And also leave having enjoyed fine food and shared great company in the most wonderfully inspirational settings.  I hope you can join in.

(Right, top and bottom): drawing at sea aboard MV Chalice.
(Right, centre: painting and printmaking, Jane Neville Gallery in France.
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UPDATE - Spring 2009

Over the past five years I have taken groups on MV Chalice out around the Hebrides, run printmaking workshops with the Jane Neville Gallery in France, held masterclasses at Wyken Hall in Suffolk and at Nature in Art museum near Gloucester.  But with a major Antarctic art project of my own to focus on for the coming 18 months or so, I will not be able to develop opportunities under the Atelier Natura umbrella.  But who knows what might be possible in the future - so please watch this space.